I have just got off the phone with my dressmaker who, despite booking me in for a Saturday fitting (the final one, I might add) this weekend, is now telling me that she no longer accommodates Saturday fittings... My mother is finally accompanying me to this fitting, having not yet seen the dress - yes I have attended the majority of my fittings alone, but that's fine - we need to collect it, pay the final installment and transport it back to my mother's house, which is a good hour's drive away! So I now have to wait for said dressmaker to try and fit me in (I used my powers of persuasion - hoping they worked!)...
On Thursday I went bridesmaid dress shopping for my middle bridesmaid, who has already been giving me jip about the dress scenario. When I selected my bridesmaids, two years ago when I got engaged, I explained that I would not be able to pay for dresses, however they would be able to choose any dress they wanted but I was selecting the colours. I assigned the three girls red, cobalt blue and purple. Maid of Honour in red - was no problem, got the dress in Debenhams - beautiful!! And have a shopping trip planned with bridesmaid number 3 in a fortnight and (touch wood) I don't foresee any problems there either. But back to the bridesmaid in blue...
She called me the night before our shopping trip to say she couldn't afford to buy a new dress for the wedding, could she wear a dress worn to another wedding. I asked the colour, and she said: "Green"... I said, "Weren't you the one who said 'green' is bad luck at a wedding, and you personally would never wear it!" She said her previous claims were "Crap" however, we finally settled on a compromise - a £30 budget. Overall I think I handled the whole situation very well. By some miracle, we not only found her a dress but in the exact shade of blue I wanted and were able to use vouchers, so the dress only ended up costing a fiver!!! She is going to look absolutely beautiful!!!! Can't wait!!
Another crisis arose this weekend just gone - we were going out for middle bridesmaid's birthday and she had invited along her toxic friend (we'll call her Tia*). Now, my MoH, bridesmaids and mother have organised a fabulous hen night, which I am not allowed to know anything about, so all details are being kept firmly under wraps!!! Very exciting!! BUT. Saturday night as we are walking to the restaurant Tia*, who is well aware of the secret nature of my hen do, and I are discussing plans for middle bridesmaid's hen night (which I am also organising)and as we are trading ideas, she says, "Oh yes, I heard you were doing xxxx for your hen night"... luckily I had no idea what she was referring to, but I was so mad that she'd even attempted to give something away. I have since had to explain to middle bridesmaid that I want no further contact with this girl, which of course was not met with great enthusiasm but what can I do... Oi!!
I tell you, it's just one thing after another...
Thank you so much!!