Set in the future, paraplegic former marine Jake Sully (Sam Worthington) is sent to another planet, Pandora, which is inhabited by the Na'vi, a humanoid race with their own language and culture. Jake and Na'vi native Neytiri (Zoe Saldana, The Terminal) develop a romance in the face of opposing forces from both the US troops intent on mining and destroying the land in order to profit from the precious materials existing there, and the Na'vi people who are hesitant to accept Jake as one of their own.
Academy Award winner, Sigourney Weaver (Aliens) plays Dr Augustine, the scientist attempting to cultivate a harmonious relationship with the Na'vi people so that she can learn from them and from the land.
Jake initially attempts to integrate with the Na'vi people in order to obtain intel which he feeds back to the military unit, however he discovers a deep, and unexpected, understanding and bond with both his Na'vi avatar and the ways of the people. He breaks down the barriers of race and culture to unite the indigenous tribe and defeat the colonising prowess of the money-hungry Parker and his ruthless military forces.
An epic battle ensues as the two sides fight to assert their needs and like all good tales, good triumphs over evil.
The focus on the way the Na'vi people are attuned to the planet, their respect for all life and their preservation of earth's resources is definitely a nod to humankind to pay closer attention to the needs of our planet and our treatment of all life on earth.
Cameron's message is clear: do unto others as you wish to be done to yourself. If we don't learn to respect our planet and the life it inhabits, the disrespect will in time come back to bite us in the proverbial 'arse'!
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