With phones not working and e-mail being down, people are using social networking sites to share news and photos, as well as posting alerts to help with the search for those still missing or to request donations for the Haiti relief.
A spokesman for Facebook, Andrew Noyes, spoke to USA Today saying there have been more than 1,500 status updates per minute containing the word "Haiti" since the quake. This disaster has really brought into focus the power of social media as people find the need to truly engage with it.
- Twitter: People are using it to share firsthand accounts and photos of the earthquake. Celebrities are also getting involved, using the site to raise money themselves for the cause.
- Facebook: Charities including Oxfam America and Catholic Relief Services have been raising money through dedicated Facebook pages and using Twitter and Skype as well to share updates and communicate with relief workers and family members.
- Blogs: People are using blogs written by others as online message boards to track down missing people.
In this new technological age the world is becoming a much smaller place, easier to navigate as the lines of communication cut across new boundaries and deliver a faster and more effective dialogue.
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