I just enjoyed my second trip to the Big Apple - the main thing I noticed as I trailed my suitcase down 23rd Street toward the Chelsea International hostel was the number of shops bearing signs for Psychics and Tarot Card readers for $5 and such... tempting to pop in and get a forecast for the week I had in lie for me... or not.
Spent my first afternoon in the city in the near vicinity of the hostel; was so cold, and realised that in my overly-thought preparation for 'meeting-wear' I had totally underestimated the need for general daywear, so made a beeline for the nearest store - American Apparel (my favourite US import but a rather pricey one - but, needs must) - I bought a whole outfit, and newly bedecked in my considerably warmer gear I headed for a Tasti D Lite-cum-internet cafe and settled in for a couple of hours. Spent the first night halfway between asleep and awake as the comings-and-goings of my roommates made for a restless night...
First day of meetings went very well - hyped up on not much sleep but gallons of enthusiasm and excitement, I headed over to Lure on the corner of Prince and Mercer, navigating the Subway like a pro! Discussed my NY PR prospects over a delicious sushi/sashimi platter... Then headed over to Herald Square for a black and white cookie (fyi: Carrie Bradshaw is seen devouring one in the park with Charlotte in Season 6: Catch-38 as she debates whether motherhood is for her) and a meeting with a Publicis PR sweetie!!
Made a quick stop in Macy's and fought the urge to snatch up a sequinned pink purse... the fort knox-like security tags hindered my magpie urges thankfully. Travelled the Long Island Rail Road down to Malverne to stay with my adopted family for the week and spent a warmer and more sleep-filled night. Woke early the next morning eager to explore the city...
Wearing my coveted pair of black patent Stella McCartney wedge ankle boots I attracted a number of unwanted advances from some rather questionable New York City "gentlemen"... hmm, should I rethink the boots??
Arrived at Penn station and made my way from 34th street to City Bakery on East 18th street for my first SATC devotee tribute. Obsessed with trying their infamous brownies (as seen in Season 5: Critical Condition) I was momentarily disappointed to discover there were no brownies but a melting chocolate chip cookie replacement - I got over it quickly!! Lunch over, I walked what felt like the length of Manhattan to Park Avenue for my 2pm meeting with a PR recruiter.
Remember: When you know what you want, never give up, keep pushing, keep networking, tell anyone and everyone you meet what you want because you never know who you'll meet.
Meeting went well, even picked up a contact for my fiance! With a couple of hours to kill, I found myself in Times Square and beyond excited phoned my Mum to broadcast the fact that I was indeed, in Times Square!! Spotted a giant Elmo and Square Pants Sponge Bob outside Planet Hollywood! Dove into American Eagle and made friends with a shop assistant before spending an obscene amount and leaving contented! Then from the dazzle of Times Square to the squalor of Hell's Kitchen and 11th Avenue I escaped to my 5.30pm meeting at Ogilvy where I met a fellow Brit who advised me on the necessities required for obtaining a visa to work in the States, and the various options at my disposal.
Then it was onto dinner at Pete's Tavern with a new friend - I of course had to have a Cosmopolitan with my burger and fries - we ended the evening with a stroll around Gramercy Park, a beautiful, if cold night!
Thursday morning began with a rather unhelpful meeting on Hudson street, but one that put me in a great vantage point to walk up to Perry street where I gleefully sat on Carrie's stoop, while simultaneously avoiding an onslaught of pigeons circa Tippi Hedren in Hitchcock's 'Birds'... Had a pizza on Bleecker street and then headed over to Canal street where I encountered an onslaught of black market-esque vendors surrepticiously attempting to pawn knock-off "designer" handbags. Not what I'd expected I cast a hasty retreat finding myself at the front door to an Ugg store - notably I did not leave empty-handed (oops!). Trawled the length of 6th Avenue in search of a Tasti D Lite and an internet connection as I was expecting to hear from a couple of other potential leads... found internet but no low cal ice cream, though Google advised me to taxi it to 75th and 1st Avenue where I enjoyed a cup of Creme Brulee and Chocolate Pudding whipped flavoured air!! (to quote Harry!)
Arrived back in Malverne laden down with bags and exhausted.
My last day in NYC (still wearing the boots... still attracting comments... oh well, what you gonna do?!) - arrived at Grand Central Station at 8.30am. Had to fit in three meetings before 1.30pm: starting off on Park Avenue and 45th street - a great meeting with another recruiter, greatly impressed her with my articulation and resume - then rode the Subway to Canal street to meet with some lovely ladies at Digennaro Communications - back on the Subway to Penn and (now in high-heel inflicted pain) sprinted over to West 36th street for my final interview. With only 30 minutes to spare before I needed to return to Penn, I awaited Miss Fashion PR... 15 minutes later, Miss Patronizing Fashion PR Bitch (with a capital B) sauntered in and in no uncertain terms made me feel 15 again with her condescending air and empty offer of an unpaid internship... thank you but NO!!
Got to Penn just in the nick of time and headed back to JFK for my flight home to London - so sad to leave. New York is my spiritual home... I know I'll be back for good one day...
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