"You are a real girl about town. You love the city you live in and are always hanging out at the coolest joints. Most importantly you love your clothes – you dare to be different and are always sporting the latest trends before any of your friends. Although finding the right man is important, your friends always take first priority."
[Heart radio quiz result]
The number of SATC quizzes I take to discover my SATC soulmate and the answer is always Carrie!! My friends may think I rigged it because I covet Carrie's wardrobe, lifestyle and washboard stomach but honestly there are inescapable similarities...
We share the following: naturally curly hair; a career in writing (and journalism), a creativity which leads naturally on to how we express ourselves in life and in fashion; we dare to be different - I choose my clothes on the basis that I think they're gorgeous and fundamentally I want them to demonstrate my individuality to the world and the way I feel on any one day; our lifestyles - although I haven't yet acquired the 'walk-in-closet' I too live beyond my means believing truly that fashion does feed me more than food; like Carrie I too have my select group of very close friends with whom I share a sisterly bond (one of whom is distinctly like Miranda...) and I have found and married my very own Mr Big (though without the emotionally fraught preamble!!).
A final point:
Since her marriage to John James Preston, Carrie maintains her individuality and her name (Carrie Bradshaw). I have been faced with the dilemma of what to do about changing my name in the light of my recent marriage and have reached a compromise; in order to satisfy my husband's desire for me to take his name I have done this in an official capacity (passport, driving licence etc) however, as a writer I am able to retain my maiden name in all my by-lines and future works. In this way, I have achieved a happy balance between my married self and myself!!
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